New lyrics for "Fiddler's Green" by Mouseman:
The format and tune for this song were borrowed from an old sailor song "Fiddler's Green".

As I walked to the landing one morning so rare
To scope out the unit with a thousand yard stare
I spied an old Hoedad 'twas singing this song
Saying "take me away boys, my time is 'bout done"

Pick me up in that gold plated crummy
No more on the slopes I'll be seen
Just tell me old crew mates
I'm bumping it through, mates
And I'll see you some day
In Fiddler's Green

Now Fiddler's Green is a place they do tell
Where tree planters go when they don't go to hell
Where the units are clear and scalps they don't need
And the government inspector will never be seen

Pick me up in that gold plated crummy
No more on the slopes I'll be seen
Just tell me old crew mates
I'm bumping it through, mates
And I'll see you some day in Fiddler's Green

Now I won't need my rain gear or calk boots, not me
'cause the weather is fair and the ground is slash free
Where they issue big joints to old tree planter souls
And a magical hoedag to open the holes

Pick me up in that gold plated crummy
No more on the slopes I'll be seen
Just tell me old crew mates
I'm bumping it through, mates
And I'll see you some day in Fiddler's Green

Logrollers, Cheap Thrills and Red Star we'll see
With Full Moon Rising and (of course) Mudsharks
Will be planting the lead
Where we'll all be together when our contracts are through
In Fiddler's Green as a conglomerate crew!

Pick me up in that gold plated crummy
No more on the slopes I'll be seen
Just tell me old crew mates
I'm bumping it through, mates
And I'll see you some day in Fiddler's Green